Maui, HI - Motorcyclist Critically Injured in Collision on Waiehu Beach Rd
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Maui, HI – Motorcyclist Critically Injured in Collision on Waiehu Beach Rd

May 8, 2024

Maui, HI (May 8, 2024) – A news statement from the Maui Police Department (MPD) reported a major vehicle accident that happened on Monday, May 6, at around 11:10 p.m. on Waiehu Beach Road, 241 feet northwest of Makaala Drive in Wailuku.

According to an initial inquiry, a black 2022 Kawasaki KLR650 motorcycle collided with another vehicle in the area, though the events leading up to the crash remain unknown. The motorcyclist, a 53-year-old man from Wailuku, was taken to the Maui Memorial Medical Center with serious, life-threatening injuries. He remains hospitalized in critical condition as of Tuesday. It’s unknown if the driver involved stayed at the scene, but MPD officers stated that their investigation was ongoing and asked witnesses to contact them.

Our thoughts go out to the injured victim and his family. We hope for his complete recovery.

Motorcycle Crashes in Hawaii

Motorcyclists are rendered entirely unprotected and exposed in the event of an accident with another vehicle (typically a car), which renders motorcycle riding extremely hazardous. The repercussions of a low-speed, relatively insignificant collision between a vehicle and a motorcycle can be catastrophic for all riders. Adding insult to injury, most of the common causes of these incidents can be traced back to driver negligence, including but not limited to:

  • Impairment: Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol are most likely to lose control of their vehicles. These drivers may not be able to recognize colors or traffic control devices. They may be unable to maintain safe vehicle control and experience impaired judgment.
  • Driver distraction or texting: Accidents often occur on our roadways because drivers simply are not paying attention to the road ahead. Common distractions that lead to accidents in our state include cell phones, food, and even talking to passengers.
  • Aggressive driving and speeding: When drivers become aggressive while behind the wheel, they are likely to cause accidents that harm others. Many accidents occur because drivers zip between lanes of travel, tailgate other vehicles, or are reckless while operating their cars.

If you’ve been hurt due to a motorcycle or vehicle collision, you can and should protect your rights by taking legal action. Consult with a Maui motorcycle accident lawyer right away if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash. Your attorney will be able to help you better understand your rights and the options that you have during this challenging time.

Our compassionate and dedicated personal injury lawyers at Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner are here to help guide you through this challenging time. We understand how difficult it can be to focus on getting medical care for your injuries while dealing with so many emotional and mental consequences. We want you to know that we are here for you to help represent your best interests and your legal rights moving forward. To explore your available legal options to get justice, contact our Hawaii personal injury lawyers by calling 808-537-2525 to schedule a free consultation.

Notes: Our team of writers uses secondary sources such as news reports and local and state police incident reports to create these posts. We have not independently verified all of the facts surrounding this particular accident, so if there is any incorrect information, please contact Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner right away so that we can update the post right away to reflect the most accurate information available. 

Disclaimer: This post is not a solicitation for business. The photo used in this post was not taken at the actual accident scene. The photo used in this post was not taken at the actual accident scene. None of the information in this post is intended to be legal advice or medical advice. If you are injured in an accident, seek medical assistance immediately.

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