Kahului, HI - Pedestrian Injured in Crash on Papa Ave near Hina Ave
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Kahului, HI – Pedestrian Injured in Crash on Papa Ave near Hina Ave

June 28, 2023

Kahului, HI (June 28, 2023) – In the early morning hours of June 27, a pedestrian crash with injuries was reported to authorities in Kahului. The incident happened at around 3:25 a.m., according to information from local officials. 

Sources say the accident took place in the 100 block of West Papa Avenue in Kahului. A 66-year-old female was reportedly struck by a vehicle. She sustained injuries to her back and was treated by paramedics at the crash scene. 

Authorities in Kahului are still investigating the details of the incident. The victim’s name has not been reported at this time. 

We hope for the full and fast recovery of the injured woman. No further information is currently available concerning this pedestrian accident in Kahului. 

Hawaii Pedestrian Accidents

In Hawaii, pedestrian accidents are common, happening several hundred times per year. Pedestrians often suffer serious or even critical injuries in accidents, and sadly, they sometimes lose their lives. This is mostly due to the fact that pedestrians travel with little to no protection against the force of fast-moving, heavy vehicles. When a pedestrian becomes involved in a traffic collision with a passenger vehicle, they are most likely going to suffer some type of injury. Being hurt in a pedestrian crash is never easy and can land a victim in the hospital for days, weeks, or longer.

When you or someone you love has been injured in a pedestrian crash, you deserve to be able to recover without having to go broke or worry about how you will cover the related costs. Especially if your accident was caused by the actions of a negligent driver, you should not have to pay for the damages that you may be facing. You may have many different problems that stem from your crash, ranging from physical injuries to financial burdens and emotional stress. The average recovery time for a serious pedestrian accident injury can vary a great deal depending on its nature and severity. Most often, pedestrians suffer serious head injuries, bone breaks, and spinal cord injuries. Injuries of this nature can take anywhere from weeks to months to recover from or even years. 

A pedestrian crash attorney in Hawaii can help you recover from your recent accident and the injuries that followed. When you file a personal injury claim with a pedestrian crash lawyer, you may be eligible to collect financial compensation for a long list of damages that resulted from your crash. Some of these damages may include medical care costs, the costs related to vehicle repairs or replacement, lost earnings, emotional turmoil, pain, suffering, and other economic/non-economic damages. You can contact the law office of Leavitt, Yamane, & Soldner to speak with a skilled and experienced legal advocate concerning your personal injury claim. Our compassionate team of lawyers has been working for over 20 years to meet the urgent needs of our clients who have been hurt in auto accidents. 

Call our personal injury law office at (808) 537-2525 to be connected with a skilled and experienced auto accident lawyer who can help you recover.

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