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Waikolu Personal Injury Lawyer

Getting injured in an accident that was not your fault may mean you are entitled to compensation. Contact Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner today for a free case review. We may be able to help!

If you were injured in a serious traffic accident, premises liability accident, or any other accident caused by the recklessness or negligence of another person, it can have a significant negative impact on your life. Besides the pain and mental trauma you will experience, you may also be bogged down with medical bills and unable to work and earn a living while you recover from your injuries. In some instances, you could be left facing injuries that will never heal completely, resulting in a lifetime of medical care.

Even though Hawaii personal injury laws allow you to pursue financial compensation from the at-fault party, obtaining it is not always an easy or straightforward process. That is why it is important to work with an experienced Waikolu personal injury lawyer who can build a compelling claim, and, as much as possible, expedite the recovery process.

There are many different types of incidents that result in a personal injury lawsuit. Let’s go over some of the most commonly seen in Hawaii.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Anytime a drunk, distracted, or otherwise negligent motorist causes an accident, they need to be held responsible for their actions. The act of bringing the at-fault driver to account, however, is usually more challenging than most people realize. With the assistance of a skilled Hawaii personal injury lawyer, you can confidently pursue compensation after being injured in a traffic accident. This not only helps you get back on your feet financially but also holds the public to a higher standard to keep everyone safer on the roads.

Medical Malpractice

There is not much worse than getting injured by a trusted medical professional due to their negligence. As with every type of Hawaii personal injury claim, there are four elements that must be proven in order to pursue a medical malpractice claim:

  • The medical professional had an obligation to meet the accepted medical standard of care when treating the patient
  • They violated that duty by not meeting the standard
  • That violation resulted in harm to their patient
  • As a result of that harm, the patient incurred damages

Although most of these factors will be present in all medical malpractice claims, malpractice itself can take many different forms ranging from delayed diagnosis to birth injuries. Speaking with a qualified attorney is the best way to determine if you have a case.

Practicing Injury Law Since 1985

If you were injured due to another’s negligence, you will most likely be approached by an insurance adjuster soon after your accident who might attempt to persuade you into accepting a small settlement that does not even cover your medical bills. Don’t let them do this.

Speak with a Waikolu personal injury lawyer from Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner right away after an accident to protect your right to compensation. We work on a contingency fee, so you do not pay anything unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

We hope you never need our services, but if you do, we’re here.

Schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Hawaii personal injury lawyers by calling (808) 537-2525.

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